Daniel Dejan

Dejan Associates, Principal

As an educator, designer, humanist, mentor and lover of all things graphic arts, Daniel has been an evangelist for the power of paper and print for the span of his career. With more than 50 years of design, production, print buying and on-press experience, Dejan is always ready to share his knowledge of the successful and effective marriage of print and paper. With a history of being on the road 200 days a year, in his 22 year tenure as the Print & Creative Manager for Sappi North America, he is a hands-on, in-person resource — delivering presentations to designers, printers, corporations and paper merchants as well as to organizations at public and private events and conferences throughout North America.

4:00 -5:00pm Closing Keynote (Day 1)

Thursday Nov. 5

Fads, Trends & Disruptive Innovations

Our culture is constantly being influenced by fads, trends and occasionally truly disruptive technologies that find their way into new and maturing markets. It raises the question: how do we integrate these new technologies into our current sales and marketing strategies?  While some are pricey now, we have seen the cost of many tools (some only a few years old) become affordable and a part of day-to-day life very quickly. We’ll cover new technology such as image recognition as a link between ink-on-paper and digital marketing communications; OLED (organic light emitting diodes) paper-thin monitors being incorporated into unique direct marketing and publishing campaigns; the ability to print electronic and digital circuitry directly on substrates to be used for new products including packaging, interior design, greeting cards and more. Join the discussion on how the printing industry is incorporating new technology to evolve in ways we would not have imagined only a few years ago.